Attending College

Posted on 10/13/2010


College, college, college, where to start? Should I begin on a party night, were you leave your dorm at a quarter till 11 and don’t get back till 3am on a Monday morning where you only get 5 hours of sleep if your lucky. Or, how about a normal night, where there’s 70 page reading assignments, an 8 page essay on whatever the discussion was in your class that you had evening, and thank God if it’s due double-spaced; And that’s only TWO courses out of 4 or 5 classes that a full student might have a semester. And after a long exhausting day of running from class to class, squeezing in a lunch break here and there, you might ALSO have a sport, activity or job that your committed to. I Do. College consists of a lot but coming from a college student and by reading multiple college student blogs, you get life changing experiences from it. Good and bad; that’s how life goes.


Always make sure you stay focused on the main reasons why your attending that atmosphere; college, university or a highly rated institution is a privilege and the financial cost of them aren’t cheap. In today’s society it’s rare to find someone with a successful occupation that didn’t get some type of a college degree. Reading other blogs from the people that have some of the same similarities that I do,  help me discover individuals that had majors that I was interested in. One that blog that caught my action had to do with a major within video production. I’ve edited and produced multiple films, and I have had the privilege to be featured within music videos and short movies. And it’s been proven that a someone with a college degree compared someone without one will be at least a million dollars more unfortunate then someone with one. I don’t know about others, but I’m trying to live the good life.


As I said before college consists of life changing moments, as you probably heard in high school or even younger years there will be people that might offer you alcohol, weed or even more illegal drugs. These temptations are filtered throughout the college world and in our everyday lives.  So it takes a strong minded person to know values, and right from wrong. Which determines the chances of your success.  So college graduates, you might really wanna ask yourself, do I really want to go to a technical or community college? 4-year? Take a year off? Start work? There are so many choices you must make and so many responsibilities that need to be taken care of and what’s really going to be to live the good life…It is your destiny what you choose to do with your life. It is really something you must determine within yourself.


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