Fame in 12 clicks.

Posted on 09/29/2010


Fame by thousands of individuals. Being a fan, to gaining more fans then you can count. Millions of people taking time out of their own life, to view what you do in yours. It’s possible. But you ask how?… Your only 12 clicks away from getting started. By reading the rest of my bloq, I’ll explain how I did it personally!

I’ve had the chance to explore new methods of interacting within the world and as in previous sessions of talking about the world of “Social Media.” I have had the chance to try many of sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Texting, and Skypeing here and there. I guess you can stay I’ve been around the social media block. The site that has been the most successful to me, is a site that has been taking over the world in a matter of years and still going as strong. This website has been making thousands of people famous over the internet. This website is called Youtube.com. The reason its so common for people to become successful on youtube is because it’s more then just a social type site. It involves so much more skill to it.

In the process of understanding Youtube isn’t the issue, it’s the tools of becoming successful within it and that what you do to get millions of views vs. none. Views on a Youtube videos are some-what similar to grades within school.  Grades can be earned in multiple different variations, as in creativity, the amount of effort you put into it, getting the readers attention, etc. Youtube has the same meanings to it. The higher then grade, is like more views you gain. For the most part, an average person has no idea how to create a video with different scenes and effects going through the entire video. I didn’t a year ago, and I still till this day have trouble getting the finished project that I picture in my mind. It’s also more then just learning how to edit a video it’s also having an element of creativity with in the video.

In everyone’s life sometime, there has been that one priceless moment that has had you laughing till you seriously thought you were gonna die or a moment you thought that would never happen. Take a moment and just imagine if you got it on film… Just think of the countless views that video would earn. To become known globally you have to do something that will set you aside from the rest of society. Do something that is rare or new to the people around you and thats were it all begins. Put it on a video, it’s been proven that it’s possible to be a celebrity over night. I’ve had the opportunity to release myself from society and set myself up for success because  did something that was rare and unknown to the people around me. Youtube gives you the tools to achieve fame and friendships within your own abilities by sharing your own lifestyle to the rest of the world, and how many social media sites do you know that allow you to accomplish something like that.

Click #1: Y / Click #2: O / Click #3: U / Click #4: T / Click #5: U / Click #6: B / Click #7: E / Click #8: . / Click #9: C / Click #10: O / Click #11: M / Click #12: (The button) ENTER.

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