Social Media

Posted on 09/20/2010


Is the “Social Media” a positive aspect to our lives?

Within life you come cross situations were the outcome can be negative or positive, that’s it.

The topic today was if Social media was a positive aspect to our lives… Sooo throughout my own experience and also couple minutes skimming Google on some research, I found out from experiences that there can be only two outcomes from it. Sites as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and multiple others websites that are under the category of “Social Media” have swept among globe, gathering millions of humans to get involved with. So I stepped outside my own shoes and tried to be a successful business man and see if I could find any positive outcomes that may help expand my company to the rest of the world; in a quicker manner. So I thought…

We’re in the middle of the worst recession in decades, with every day beginning with another disastrous economic report.  Among that, it’s critical for us to find ways to keep our cash outlays to a minimum while keeping our customers happy, and while finding similar customers like them.  It’s been proven by CBS, Discovery News, multiple successful businesses, web sources and also the University of Science and Technology in Pennsylvania gave up social media for a week to do research on what the outcome would be brought among us. And since so many individuals are capable of broadcast what there trying to promote it only seems that it would be a great decision to get involved with the social media world…or is it ?

Just because it has become so accessible to create and distribute content, it’s also more challenging to capture people’s attention long enough to really bridge with them.  And as creation tools get even basic to use, coupled with more people adding content to the Web, your struggle for the hearts and minds of people will become even more ambitious. Within the year 2008, over 90 percent of Americans around the country that were social media users feel companies should have a social media presence. This is just blog title was just one of the thousands of situations that social media can offer you, so it matter what way your trying to help our yourself by connecting with this cyber-world, also known as “Social Media”.

In this day-of-age, Social Media seems to be developing some-what like the Universe… A never ending vast space of opportunities. The opportunities are amaranthine.

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