Who am I ? (Roots)…

Posted on 09/14/2010


Hello there friends. I’m 19 years young. I was born in Long Beach Ca., raised in Chicago for a short time in my life and then I went back to California in a town named Lompoc, where my family as owned a successful Italian Restaurant. Eventually I moved to San Diego the rest of my child hood / teen years… Currently I’m enrolled at Concordia College, earning my major and also playing football and basketball. Within my life I have been blessed with a amazing family and have the chance to achieve many of my goals that were set upon me. I try to stay as humble as possible and thank God for the talents that he has blessed me with. My hobbies for-say are, dancing, playing sports, working-out, parting, making videos, recording music, relaxing, chilling with friends,rebuilding communities as volunteer work.I created a dance crew to learn how to make nothing into something. When you set your mind to anything it surely blooms.  It makes me smile every time I am watching the music channels, and I see myself and the team that I created. I have also have had the privilege to be in multiple music-videos and perform with famous artiest  known as… Snoop-Dogg, The Bangz, The Rangers, Juice and much more  This achievement as made a huge impact in my life and others. As for now, I am living the college life. I decided to be a student at Concordia College which places me thousand of miles away from what I call home. I really am doing my all to stay positive and focused.  This is an everyday challenge, especially since the weather out this way is drastically different to California.  However I am excited for my future and Throughout the years I’ve experienced many life changing events that I’ve learned off of which the knowledge has made me wiser and has opened up chapters within my life good and bad, were you just learn and grow from. There’s so much that life has in store, so for now I am just doin’ me and God knows the rest.

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