Final 10 pager : Social Media

December 14, 2010


Joshua James White December, 14, 2010 Soc Media, Blogging, Business Social Media. When I think of social media, I instantly think of Facebook, seeing as it’s the most popular social networking site in the world. However, social media has other aliases as well, such as Myspace, Youtube, Skype, Twitter, Online Gaming, such as World of […]

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Vlog With a Point?

November 28, 2010


I published these video’s below for my social-media and business course. The class assignment, was to create a video-type blog pertaining to any of my interests. So I compiled never seen before videos to create this vlog. While I was in the process of making these video’s that I would be sharing with the world, (sense […]

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The Light within failure

November 15, 2010


 When you ask a child at a young age,  what would they want to be when they grow up. The most common answer is, “I want to be a professional athlete,  a doctor,  a firefighter, or a movie-star” .  So my question is, what happened in the years of growing up that made these children […]

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Knowledge is Power

November 11, 2010


Liberal learning are tools for a lifetime learning and to help create a dynamic generous community. It takes passion to have a goal for liberal learning. Wanting to improve your knowledge within areas where it’s not easy to comprehend,  is very difficult. Growing up not reading much really impacted me as a person today. I […]

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Inner Animalistic Instincts..

November 6, 2010


“Have you ever had to face and or fight against your inner animalistic instincts?” To be completely honest with you, I don’t have the complexity wording of explaining my own inner animalistic instincts. I can try by saying it’s an spirit within yourself, somewhat like conscience; an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. It’s […]

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The act of avoiding steroid testing

October 27, 2010


Can you actually believe that it is not a requirement to be tested for drugs within your high school athletic programs!?! This isn’t only a safety issue for the individual doing the drugs but also for the children that that  individual is playing against. The drug that I’m especially mentioning is “Steroids“. This is a issue that […]

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Handy Dandy Manly Blog

October 20, 2010


I’m not Dr. Phil or anything, but I don’t think I’m taking a risk if I say women get hit on more often than men do. My opinion is maybe because it’s the confidence level of the matter. If your walking down the street and a unique, beautiful woman grabs your attention, majority of the […]

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Attending College

October 13, 2010


College, college, college, where to start? Should I begin on a party night, were you leave your dorm at a quarter till 11 and don’t get back till 3am on a Monday morning where you only get 5 hours of sleep if your lucky. Or, how about a normal night, where there’s 70 page reading […]

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Fame in 12 clicks.

September 29, 2010


Fame by thousands of individuals. Being a fan, to gaining more fans then you can count. Millions of people taking time out of their own life, to view what you do in yours. It’s possible. But you ask how?… Your only 12 clicks away from getting started. By reading the rest of my bloq, I’ll […]

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Social Media

September 20, 2010


Is the “Social Media” a positive aspect to our lives? Within life you come cross situations were the outcome can be negative or positive, that’s it. The topic today was if Social media was a positive aspect to our lives… Sooo throughout my own experience and also couple minutes skimming Google on some research, I […]

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Summer Read

September 16, 2010


Long before the last day of high-school I thought of what I could possibility do with all the spear time I would have when summer arrived. Just imagination, NO more extended preach CLASSES. Didn’t have to be committed to any sport in that time period; just a hard work-out here and there. Work hours vanished. […]

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Who am I ? (Roots)…

September 14, 2010


Hello there friends. I’m 19 years young. I was born in Long Beach Ca., raised in Chicago for a short time in my life and then I went back to California in a town named Lompoc, where my family as owned a successful Italian Restaurant. Eventually I moved to San Diego the rest of my […]

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